Wednesday 04 April 2007 13:14:25
Server Stats Awards Leaderboard Clans Rounds Scoring Info FokForum Fokkers Clan
At least 1 rounds per player with a minimum of 1 players per round

Sandra und Neil
Rounds1 Play Time00:03:28   
Score-1.0(-1.00) Skill2.3(2.25) Ratio0.67
Kills2 Deaths3 Suicides0
Kill Streak0 Death Streak0 Team Kill Streak0
Team Wins0 Team Losses0 Team Kills0
# Victims Kills
1 posafouiah 1
2 blunted 1
# Enemies Kills
1 Insane Qualities//Kz 3
# Location Kills
1 Right Thigh 1
2 Right Hand 1
Top WeaponsKills



Team Death Match
Best Score-1.0[00174]
Worst Score-1.0[00174]
Best Skill2.3[00174]
Worst Skill2.3[00174]
Longest Streaks
#Ended ByIn