Last update Wednesday 11 April 2007 20:47:44
Server Stats Awards Leaderboard Clans Rounds Scoring Info FokForum Fokkers Clan
At least 3 rounds per player with a minimum of 3 players per round

Rounds3 Play Time00:37:34   
Score-46.0(-15.33) Skill22.0(7.33) Ratio0.23
Kills12 Deaths52 Suicides2
Kill Streak2 Death Streak10 Team Kill Streak0
Team Wins0 Team Losses0 Team Kills0
# Victims Kills
1 [Fokkers] MP72 7
2 [Fokkers] Will I Am 2
3 [Fokkers] Barrycade 2
4 [Fokkers] PeGeL 1
# Enemies Kills
1 [Fokkers] MP72 25
2 [Fokkers] Will I Am 12
3 [Fokkers] Barrycade 9
4 [Fokkers] PeGeL 6
# Location Kills
1 Stomach 4
2 Right Calf 3
3 Head 2
4 Left Bicep 2
5 Chest 1
Top WeaponsKills



10 Common Quotes
als ik dat eens wist
ff bij jullie kijken
goede avond
heb hoge ping ik kom bij allo er al 3 dagen niet meer op snap er nix van
heb nix aan staan
ik ben weg fijne avond
kijke of ik ping kan fixen
leuke map
ppff ff wenne

Best Score-11.0[00296]
Worst Score-18.0[00297]
Best Skill11.3[00297]
Worst Skill5.3[00298]
Longest Streaks
#Ended ByIn
Kill2[Fokkers] Will I Am[00298]
Death10[Fokkers] Will I Am[00297]
[00298] [00296] [00297]