Last update Wednesday 11 April 2007 20:47:44
Server Stats Awards Leaderboard Clans Rounds Scoring Info FokForum Fokkers Clan
At least 3 rounds per player with a minimum of 3 players per round

Rounds3 Play Time00:34:56   
Score58.0(19.33) Skill301.8(100.58) Ratio2.29
Kills110 Deaths48 Suicides1
Kill Streak7 Death Streak3 Team Kill Streak0
Team Wins2 Team Losses0 Team Kills1
# Victims Kills
1 [Fokkers] Barrycade 32
2 [Fokkers] Will I Am 28
3 [Fokkers] Merciless 16
4 .:DTM:. Stoned Again* 9
5 .:DTM:. Bjorn_Mania* 8
6 .:DTM:.Jumpingjack* 8
7 Apollo 6
8 [Fokkers] LuiZaad 3
# Enemies Kills
1 [Fokkers] Will I Am 19
2 [Fokkers] Barrycade 10
3 [Fokkers] Merciless 6
4 Apollo 5
5 .:DTM:. Stoned Again* 3
6 .:DTM:. Bjorn_Mania* 3
7 [Fokkers] LuiZaad 1
8 .:DTM:.Jumpingjack* 1
# Location Kills
1 Stomach 42
2 Chest 26
3 Head 19
4 Whole Body 7
5 Neck 5
6 Right Thigh 5
7 Left Bicep 2
8 Right Bicep 1
9 Left Thigh 1
10 Right Forearm 1
11 Left Calf 1
Top WeaponsKills

Enfield Scope


KAR98K Sniper

British Grenade

10 Common Quotes
haha lol
heb gwn skill
ik sta gwn stil lol xD
ja man

Team Death Match
Best Score43.5[00178]
Worst Score4.5[00176]
Best Skill178.0[00178]
Worst Skill33.8[00176]
Longest Streaks
#Ended ByIn
Kill7[Fokkers] Barrycade[00178]
Death3[Fokkers] Barrycade[00178]
[00177] [00178] [00176]