Last update Wednesday 11 April 2007 20:47:44
Server Stats Awards Leaderboard Clans Rounds Scoring Info FokForum Fokkers Clan
At least 3 rounds per player with a minimum of 3 players per round

NN Time-Out
Rounds8 Play Time01:18:08   
Score35.5(4.44) Skill360.3(45.03) Ratio1.33
Kills137 Deaths103 Suicides0
Kill Streak11 Death Streak5 Team Kill Streak0
Team Wins3 Team Losses0 Team Kills0
# Victims Kills
1 EggieWins 41
2 Auppie 27
3 Heineken 22
4 NN keeper 13
5 [Fokkers] Will I Am 9
6 [Fokkers] crAZiAc 9
7 [Fokkers] Robtimus Prime 9
8 [Fokkers] MP72 5
9 Fortis Rotterdam 1
10 Yorky Pud 1
# Enemies Kills
1 Auppie 21
2 [Fokkers] crAZiAc 20
3 EggieWins 14
4 Heineken 12
5 [Fokkers] Will I Am 10
6 [Fokkers] Robtimus Prime 10
7 [Fokkers] MP72 10
8 Yorky Pud 2
9 NN keeper 2
10 Fokkers nr1. 1
# Location Kills
1 Stomach 46
2 Head 28
3 Chest 25
4 Right Thigh 9
5 Right Calf 6
6 Neck 5
7 Left Thigh 5
8 Right Forearm 4
9 Whole Body 3
10 Right Foot 3
11 Right Bicep 1
12 Left Forearm 1
13 Left Calf 1
Top WeaponsKills

M1 Garand

MG42 Bipod (stand)

British Grenade
10 Common Quotes
freggles rule
hi sll

Best Score23.5[00134]
Worst Score-15.0[00135]
Best Skill131.3[00134]
Worst Skill0.0[00136]
Longest Streaks
#Ended ByIn
Kill11[Fokkers] Robtimus Prime[00134]
Death5[Fokkers] Will I Am[00137]
[00133] [00134] [00135] [00136] [00154] [00155] [00137]

Team Death Match
Best Score0.0[00246]
Worst Score0.0[00246]
Best Skill0.0[00246]
Worst Skill0.0[00246]
Longest Streaks
#Ended ByIn