Last update Wednesday 11 April 2007 20:47:44
Server Stats Awards Leaderboard Clans Rounds Scoring Info FokForum Fokkers Clan
At least 3 rounds per player with a minimum of 3 players per round

[Fokkers] Robtimus Prime
Rounds72 Play Time12:47:06   
Score-349.0(-4.85) Skill1692.5(23.51) Ratio0.69
Kills645 Deaths941 Suicides2
Kill Streak7 Death Streak12 Team Kill Streak2
Team Wins4 Team Losses10 Team Kills22
# Victims Kills
1 [Fokkers] Will I Am 111
2 [Fokkers] cannon-fodder 63
3 [Fokkers] PeGeL 60
4 [Fokkers] crAZiAc 55
5 [Fokkers] MP72 53
6 [Fokkers] Barrycade 47
7 [Fokkers]Painless 21
8 -={MF}=- Rode Hond 19
9 [Fokkers] LuiZaad 18
10 .:DTM:. Der Fuhrer* 16
# Enemies Kills
1 [Fokkers] Will I Am 135
2 [Fokkers] crAZiAc 120
3 [Fokkers] MP72 93
4 [Fokkers] PeGeL 72
5 [Fokkers] Barrycade 67
6 [Fokkers] cannon-fodder 66
7 [Fokkers] Theguide 58
8 .:DTM:. Der Fuhrer* 33
9 [Fokkers]Painless 29
10 .:DTM:.Jumpingjack* 27
# Location Kills
1 Stomach 201
2 Head 159
3 Chest 127
4 Neck 32
5 Right Bicep 22
6 Right Thigh 19
7 Left Thigh 18
8 Whole Body 14
9 Right Forearm 13
10 Left Bicep 11
11 Right Calf 6
12 Left Hand 6
13 Left Forearm 5
14 Left Calf 5
15 Left Foot 3
16 Right Foot 2
17 Right Hand 2
Top WeaponsKills

M1 Garand



Gewehr 43

10 Common Quotes
MP druk eens op TAB
blijkbaar wel
deze mod is voor ons ook nieuw
door ons ja
ga jij nu ook beginnen
maar wel nasi vreten

Best Score13.0[00134]
Worst Score-15.0[00316]
Best Skill94.0[00314]
Worst Skill0.0[00136]
Longest Streaks
#Ended ByIn
Kill7[Fokkers] Will I Am[00314]
Death12[Fokkers] Will I Am[00128]
[00198] [00128] [00134] [00135] [00136] [00160] [00172] [00196] [00197] [00137] [00173] [00174] [00171] [00017] [00018] [00330] [00331] [00220] [00221] [00316] [00314] [00315]

Team Death Match
Best Score6.0[00175]
Worst Score-20.0[00019]
Best Skill51.8[00175]
Worst Skill0.0[00006]
Longest Streaks
#Ended ByIn
Kill7[Fokkers] PeGeL[00008]
Death7[Fokkers] Will I Am[00200]
TK2[Fokkers] Robtimus Prime[00008]
[00006] [00007] [00008] [00009] [00026] [00027] [00138] [00246] [00247] [00021] [00023] [00024] [00107] [00108] [00115] [00116] [00119] [00120] [00121] [00122] [00199] [00200] [00201] [00175] [00019] [00020] [00325] [00028] [00117] [00118] [00241] [00242] [00243]

Capture The Flag
Best Score3.5[00322]
Worst Score-22.5[00338]
Best Skill44.0[00337]
Worst Skill0.0[00123]
Longest Streaks
#Ended ByIn
Kill4-={MF}=- Rode Hond[00324]
TK2[Fokkers] Robtimus Prime[00334]
[00323] [00324] [00321] [00322] [00337] [00338] [00123] [00124] [00332] [00333] [00334] [00335] [00336] [00326] [00327] [00222] [00223]