Last update Wednesday 11 April 2007 20:47:44
Server Stats Awards Leaderboard Clans Rounds Scoring Info FokForum Fokkers Clan
At least 3 rounds per player with a minimum of 3 players per round

[Fokkers] Zer0sum
Rounds30 Play Time04:51:53   
Score171.0(5.70) Skill1704.3(56.81) Ratio1.42
Kills678 Deaths478 Suicides4
Kill Streak10 Death Streak7 Team Kill Streak2
Team Wins6 Team Losses4 Team Kills9
# Victims Kills
1 [Fokkers] crAZiAc 159
2 [Fokkers] LuiZaad 88
3 [Fokkers] Will I Am 71
4 [Fokkers] Barrycade 59
5 [Fokkers] Merciless 58
6 [Fokkers] MP72 56
7 [Fokkers] Centriliqui 35
8 [Fokkers] cannon-fodder 23
9 Unknown killer 20
10 .:DTM:. Bjorn_Mania* 18
# Enemies Kills
1 [Fokkers] crAZiAc 163
2 [Fokkers] Will I Am 60
3 [Fokkers] LuiZaad 56
4 [Fokkers] Centriliqui 38
5 [Fokkers] Merciless 33
6 [Fokkers] Barrycade 32
7 [Fokkers] MP72 20
8 [Fokkers] cannon-fodder 13
9 [Fokkers]Painless 13
10 Unknown killer 10
# Location Kills
1 Stomach 245
2 Head 137
3 Chest 88
4 Right Thigh 32
5 Left Thigh 31
6 Whole Body 22
7 Neck 20
8 Right Forearm 19
9 Left Forearm 18
10 Left Bicep 18
11 Right Bicep 15
12 Right Calf 11
13 Left Calf 8
14 Left Hand 7
15 Right Foot 3
16 Right Hand 3
17 Left Foot 1
Top WeaponsKills


M1 Garand



10 Common Quotes
de echte
7900GTX with AMD dual core 4800+
but most areas are fine, one some places you have fps drop, but I've seen worse
dutch for fuckers.... more or less
first time today
geen probleem
hey tomkiller welcome, Press Use (F) after each round end.... needed for Mod

Best Score17.5[00258]
Worst Score-5.0[00137]
Best Skill141.5[00181]
Worst Skill0.0[00180]
Longest Streaks
#Ended ByIn
Kill8[Fokkers] MP72[00258]
Death5[Fokkers] Barrycade[00256]
[00181] [00179] [00180] [00258] [00259] [00137] [00182] [00256] [00257]

Team Death Match
Best Score26.5[00139]
Worst Score-3.0[00187]
Best Skill129.5[00184]
Worst Skill0.0[00140]
Longest Streaks
#Ended ByIn
Kill10[Fokkers] LuiZaad[00185]
Death6Unknown killer[00186]
[00027] [00138] [00139] [00185] [00186] [00227] [00228] [00183] [00184] [00028] [00140] [00141] [00187] [00188] [00210] [00243] [00244]

Capture The Flag
Best Score15.0[00054]
Worst Score-5.0[00211]
Best Skill79.0[00212]
Worst Skill32.0[00211]
Longest Streaks
#Ended ByIn
Kill7[Fokkers] Barrycade[00054]
Death7[Fokkers] crAZiAc[00212]
TK2[Fokkers] Barrycade[00054]
[00054] [00055] [00211] [00212]