Last update Wednesday 11 April 2007 20:47:44
Server Stats Awards Leaderboard Clans Rounds Scoring Info FokForum Fokkers Clan
At least 3 rounds per player with a minimum of 3 players per round

[Fokkers] Centriliqui
Rounds39 Play Time06:46:57   
Score206.5(5.29) Skill1814.0(46.51) Ratio1.43
Kills765 Deaths536 Suicides1
Kill Streak13 Death Streak7 Team Kill Streak2
Team Wins11 Team Losses2 Team Kills12
[Fokkers] Centriliqui
# Victims Kills
1 [Fokkers] MP72 99
2 [Fokkers] Will I Am 98
3 [Fokkers] PeGeL 73
4 [Fokkers] Barrycade 59
5 .:DTM:. Bjorn_Mania* 45
6 [Fokkers] LuiZaad 39
7 [Fokkers] Zer0sum 38
8 [Fokkers] crAZiAc 31
9 ShAkAl 30
10 [Fokkers] Merciless 25
# Enemies Kills
1 [Fokkers] Will I Am 75
2 [Fokkers] MP72 75
3 [Fokkers] PeGeL 60
4 [Fokkers] crAZiAc 50
5 [Fokkers] LuiZaad 48
6 [Fokkers] Barrycade 37
7 [Fokkers] Zer0sum 35
8 .:DTM:. Bjorn_Mania* 22
9 [Fokkers] Merciless 22
10 [Fokkers] GI-Joan 15
# Location Kills
1 Stomach 294
2 Head 127
3 Chest 109
4 Right Thigh 51
5 Left Thigh 46
6 Left Calf 22
7 Right Forearm 20
8 Right Calf 18
9 Whole Body 16
10 Neck 14
11 Right Bicep 11
12 Left Forearm 11
13 Left Bicep 10
14 Right Foot 5
15 Left Foot 4
16 Right Hand 4
17 Left Hand 3
Top WeaponsKills

M1 Garand




MG42 Bipod (stand)
10 Common Quotes
ik ben er weg van boys!!
auw mijn buikie ik voel mij niet zo.
cry baby
hahaha zure hond
iedergeval kan ik niet
j a ja

Best Score29.5[00163]
Worst Score-1.0[00182]
Best Skill125.5[00163]
Worst Skill0.0[00181]
Longest Streaks
#Ended ByIn
Kill13[Fokkers] Merciless [00163]
Death3[Fokkers] Robtimus Prime[00197]
[00181] [00198] [00161] [00162] [00163] [00164] [00196] [00197] [00182] [00049]

Team Death Match
Best Score21.5[00108]
Worst Score-22.0[00187]
Best Skill138.8[00108]
Worst Skill0.0[00199]
Longest Streaks
#Ended ByIn
Kill9[Fokkers] MP72[00107]
Death6[Fokkers] MP72[00051]
[00109] [00107] [00108] [00185] [00186] [00228] [00229] [00050] [00051] [00183] [00184] [00199] [00187] [00230] [00231]

Capture The Flag
Best Score15.0[00052]
Worst Score-5.5[00055]
Best Skill78.5[00052]
Worst Skill0.0[00211]
Longest Streaks
#Ended ByIn
Kill7[Fokkers] PeGeL[00052]
Death7[Fokkers] Zer0sum[00212]
TK2[Fokkers] Zer0sum[00055]
[00052] [00053] [00054] [00055] [00263] [00264] [00265] [00211] [00212] [00213] [00232] [00233] [00266] [00267]